Utah PLAY Project

Dr. Solomon-2012

Dr. Richard Solomon, founder of the PLAY Project and Joy Manning, founder of PLAY with Joy, LLC

The PLAY Project is a research-based intervention for kids with autism ages 6 and younger. I began my certification in the PLAY project in 2009. I also have a background in other autism interventions, but my preference for young kids is definitely the PLAY Project.

The PLAY Project is based on Stanley Greenspan’s DIR / Floortime, a relationship based and developmental approach to intervention for kids with autism.

Here are just a few things I love about The PLAY Project.

  • Parents are trained to be the interventionist
  • Kids thrive in their natural environment, and generalize skills better
  • Family relationships are strengthened
  • Everything is individualized based on the child’s strengths, interests, and needs
  • Techniques can be used in everyday activities like mealtimes, bath time, or bed time
  • It’s fun!

For more information about the PLAY Project, check out the PLAY Project Brochure. Feel free to contact me by sending me a message or calling 801-930-0390.

If you live in or around Salt Lake County, Utah and are interested in the Play Project, contact me to check for available openings. If you do not live in the area, check out the Early Intervention Tutorials.

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